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The Munsters Official Australian Launch Party

Reality Games Presents The Only Official Australian Munsters Launch Party!

Reality Games Munsters Launch Party


Location: Pinball Paradise. 1/213 Franklin Street, Melbourne.

Date: 20th Feburary, 2019.

Time: 6pm - 10pm.

Reality Games and Pinball Paradise have joined forces to provide the only official Australian launch party for The Munsters Pinball Machine.

$2 will give you 1 entry into the competition.
Only 2 entries allowed per person to ensure everyone gets a go.

Starts at 6pm but you can record your scores at any time between 6pm and approx 9pm. The top 4 scores will make it into a final 4 playoff.

This event will run concurrently with the monthly Pinball Paradise Matchplay so come down early after work for 2 tournaments in 1 day!

This is an official IFPA competition.

You do not have to be part of the competition to attend. Come along and join the party at Melbourne's premier pinball bar, Pinball Paradise.

There is large selection of whiskeys and beer and cocktails. Basic bar food offerings include chips and wedges.

We hope to see you there for a great night of laughs, pinball and most of all.... FUN!


Stern Pinball Munsters Launch Party


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